Cats have held a special place in human history, often associated with mysticism, magic, and divine powers. From their revered status in ancient Egypt to their role during the Black Death, as well as their connection to witchcraft and occultism, the captivating allure of these enigmatic creatures has transcended time. Furthermore, the opinions of influential figures such as Aleister Crowley have shed light on their significance and symbolism.
1. Cats: The Divine Beings of Ancient Egypt:
In ancient Egypt, cats were regarded as sacred creatures and were revered as manifestations of various deities, notably Bastet, the goddess of protection, fertility, and home. They were highly regarded, often mummified, and buried with their owners to accompany them in the afterlife. Killing a cat, even accidentally, was considered sacrilegious and a grave offense.
2. Cats: The Unsung Heroes of the Black Death:
During the devastating period of the Black Death in Europe, cats played a crucial role in curbing the spread of the disease. As carriers of fleas, which were the primary vectors for the plague, cats instinctively hunted and eliminated rodents, particularly rats, which were responsible for harboring these fleas. Their valiant efforts inadvertently protected humans and helped save countless lives.
3. Cats and Witchcraft: A Feline Connection:
Unfortunately, the association between cats and witchcraft arose during the Middle Ages. Cats’ nocturnal habits, enigmatic behaviors, and their independent nature led them to be linked with witchcraft and dark practices. These associations led to cats being persecuted and killed during the infamous witch hunts, as they were seen as familiars or companions to witches.
4. Aleister Crowley’s Opinion on Cats:
Aleister Crowley, a renowned occultist and key figure in the esoteric tradition of the 20th century, had varied opinions on cats. While he did not explicitly express his views on cats in his writings, he did reference feline symbolism and imagery in his magical system known as Thelema. Crowley often associated cats with independence, sexuality, mystery, and the exploration of the deeper aspects of human consciousness.
5. Cats in Modern Occultism:
Cats continue to be intertwined with occultism and modern spiritual practices. Many practitioners of witchcraft, Wicca, and various pagan traditions perceive cats as spiritual allies and possessors of arcane knowledge. Their grace, stealth, and aloof yet intuitive nature make them potent symbols of esoteric exploration and the mysteries of the unconscious mind.
From their divine status in ancient Egypt to their instrumental role during the Black Death and subsequent association with witchcraft, cats have garnered an everlasting allure, representing the enigmatic but aloof character. Their mysterious nature has attracted the fascination of figures like Aleister Crowley, who saw in them a reflection of human sexuality and untamed spiritual power. As we continue to explore the realms of occultism, cats remain present, intertwined with symbolism and embodying the indomitable spirit of magic and mystery.